transportation plans
GBA supported anchor institution, MedStar Harbor Hospital, in submitting an application to the inaugural FY20 SEED Anchor funding, from the State of Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development. Our proposal for a design engineering study of a pedestrian path and bike trail project that safely connects Baybrook residents to the major redevelopment of the Middle Branch Waterfront and recreational amenities. The study explores opportunities to extend the Gwynn Falls Trail to the south and create a connection to the BWI Trail spur at the North Linthicum Light Rail Station, while winding through the neighborhoods of Brooklyn and Brooklyn Park.
East Patapsco Streetscape Design
Greater Baybrook Alliance worked with the Baltimore Development Corporation to prioritize the evaluation and redesign of the Brooklyn Commercial corridors. This project seeks to improve the experience of residents, businesses, and visitors, while jump starting private interest and investment in the community. Through the city’s Capital Improvement Program, $350,000 was allocated to perform traffic studies, evaluate key intersections, and facilitate community feedback on the use, outcomes, and issues that should be prioritized.